Can Technology Improve CPAP Compliance?

In this On-Demand BetterNight & EnsoData webinar, we dive into that question, as technology is making waves in more than just diagnosis and treatment. Learn how game-changing AI technology can be predictive of future CPAP problems.

Watch the On-Demand webinar featuring William Hevener RPSGT, BetterNight Clinical Initiatives Manager, and Chris Fernandez, EnsoData CEO, for an overview of the latest research on applying AI to predict CPAP usage.

The final 30 minutes feature an engaging Q&A section where Hevener and Fernandez are joined by Dr. Dominic Munafo, MD, FABSM, CMO of BetterNight, and Yoav Nygate, an EnsoData AI/ML Engineer.

WebinarAndrew Molesworth