The Critical Role of Case Managers in Sleep Apnea Care


Navigating a single health condition can be overwhelming, but when it comes to sleep apnea patients often face multiple health issues, making the situation even more complex. Our healthcare system has not widely adopted coordinated care models that manage sleep disorders like sleep apnea. The lack of a standard approach and collaboration between healthcare practitioners has left many sleep apnea patients without proper diagnosis and treatment. 

In the midst of this chaos, case managers come to the rescue like healthcare superheroes. These essential advocates help guide, educate, and coordinate care for patients with these complex health challenges. From educating patients to managing insurance claims and payments, case workers are multi-skilled catalysts working in a healthcare system that struggles with sleep disorder management. 

The Complexities of Sleep Apnea 

Obstructive sleep apnea, the most common form of sleep apnea, is growing in prevalence every year. An estimated 39 million people in the US suffer from this sleep disorder. What is more staggering is that approximately 80% of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea cases remain undiagnosed. Sleep apnea has several prominent risk factors, which are health concerns in their own right. Most, but not all, people with sleep apnea are overweight. Sleep apnea is also common in people with high blood pressure, diabetes, or asthma. Navigating these simultaneous conditions can be difficult without an advocate in your court. When case managers work on sleep apnea cases, they can provide information on the risks of undiagnosed sleep apnea, help set up a sleep study, and monitor treatment progress once diagnosed. 

Healthcare Systems Struggle with Sleep Apnea Care 

The sleep healthcare system has proven to be fragmented. It involves multiple sleep specialists who are neither aligned nor coordinated in their care efforts, leading to the high rate of OSA patients who never go for initial treatment or quit once they start. Inefficient and costly silos of care have further complicated the journey from sleep apnea screening to diagnosis and treatment. Nonaligned specialists, consultants, and labs inhibit coordinated care, leading to higher costs and poor outcomes. The discussion around initiating the collaborative care model has been around for several years, but not much has changed. Case managers can help patients find the best doctors and resources for their medical conditions and coordinate appointments and tests, ensuring better treatment compliance. Caseworkers also help with the intricacies of health insurance, acting as a trusted advocate and streamlining multiple payments and co-pays. 

Case Managers Revolutionize Patient Pathways 

Dealing with an imperfect sleep management healthcare system can be discouraging. Case managers provide individualized support and care that helps streamline doctors, DMEs, and support staff that are not unified or collaborative. They are subject matter experts who can explain diagnoses and treatments in a personalized way that builds trust and improves patient engagement. When patients understand their condition and have a caring person following up, they are more likely to comply with treatment, resulting in better outcomes. 

Long-Term Benefits of Case Management in Sleep Apnea Care 

While many healthcare practitioners agree that a collaborative care model would benefit patients and unify all resources for better patient outcomes, putting the idea into practice has been slow. Case managers help to bridge the gaps that exist in the system, especially when dealing with sleep apnea and its prevalent chronic underlying health conditions. Their multi-faceted care keeps patients informed and compliant, improving treatment outcomes and overall healthcare experiences. 

BetterNight is a comprehensive telehealth solution that makes diagnosing and treating sleep apnea simple, convenient, and affordable. Practice area specialists and case managers refer their patients to BetterNight to help simplify the sleep apnea journey. Visit BetterNight to learn more about their complete and convenient sleep health solution.