February 15, 2024
Dear Valued Patients,
You may have seen the news coverage related to the vulnerability and global data security incidents of Progress Software’s MOVEit Transfer software. MOVEit Transfer, which is designed to securely transfer data, is used by Philips Respironics to extract data from its Care Orchestrator and Encore Anywhere software solutions.
In our commitment to transparency and quality care and as a partner of Philips Respironics, BetterNight is providing this notice to inform you of a MOVEit Transfer security incident and potential impact on your personal information.
1. What happened?
After Progress Software notified their customers, including Philips Respironics, of vulnerabilities in their MOVEit Transfer software, Philips Respironics immediately implemented the security measures recommended by Progress Software and updated the data server of the Care Orchestrator and Encore Anywhere software solutions.
Through subsequent investigations, Philips Respironics determined that data that was exported from Care Orchestrator and Encore Anywhere via MOVEit Transfer may have been affected by the MOVEit software vulnerability.
Philips Respironics then took steps to secure the systems and performed further analysis which confirmed an unauthorized party exploited the MOVEit Transfer software vulnerability and extracted files on May 31, 2023.
2. What data/information was involved?
Philips Respironics’ investigation indicates that the extracted information may have included the following:
Patient Name
Patient Address
Patient Date of Birth
Patient E-mail
Patient Phone Number
Patient Insurance Policy Number
Patient ID
Facility ID
Setup Date
Device Serial Number
Modem Serial Number
2. What is Philips doing?
Philips Respironics has temporarily shut down the data export functionality of its Care Orchestrator and Encore Anywhere software solutions. Philips understands the inconvenience this may cause, and their data analytics team can support manual data exports in the interim. Please contact their Customer Integration Support Team via email (Integrationsupport@philips.com) with your inquiry.
In addition, Philips Respironics has conducted an assessment to determine which individuals’ information could have been affected. We regret the inconvenience this MOVEit Transfer security incident may have caused. If you have any questions, please reach out to MOVEit@philips.com.
Bretton Lane | President/COO